Tuesday, January 15, 2013

On the Matter of Djinn...

So, here I am again, after a stunningly long hiatus, and with not a lot going on for me, besides some finals that I ought to be studying for, but having a monstrous headache, have no inclination to actually do so. Therefore, it's STORYTIME!!!
And no, I'm not going to post one of my actual, full-length stories on here (I do work on other stuffs besides fanfictions, y'know!) I'm going to begin posting my incredibly random notes from some document I created last year, and have added to more and more just recently. As you might imagine, this document is called "On the Matter of Djinn," and is a mix between actual notes that I actually took whilst reading P.B. Kerr's Children of the Lamp series, and me trying to come up with plot points for my silly silly fanfiction sillies, and me just thinking and writing it down, sort of what I'm doing with this blob.
Oh, and another thing that I'm actually looking forward to this coming semester: I'm going to take choir for an elective, rather than be stuck in gym class for another semester. :) yay me!

And so begins On the Matter of Djinn... (hey, I think that I may actually use that as an actual title sometime... For an actual story, too. I like it.)

On the Matter of Djinn

diminuendo binding- a binding placed upon a mundane or a djinn that turns them into an incredibly lifelike doll
transelementation- the forced transubstantiation of a djinn by another djinn also: transmutation
Djinn initiation- Tammuz- Tammuz’ mother, Semiramis, spent 40 days & 40 nights in desert => Tammuz is King Nimrod reborn

Whirlwind driving- “straighten up, push your heels against the wind, but not too hard, mind you. It’ll help focus your mind on what you’re trying to do...” --Buck... also, ride cross-legged

According to the BR, a djinn can’t wish for something that they don’t know
4th wish- reverses previous 3, 5th causes enantodromia
Enantodromia- whatever you wish for, get the exact opposite, i.e. wish to be richer=dirt poor OR black queen=> white king. that’s a better example
sulphurous smell= angry use of djinn power OR many djinn working @ once
reason: sulphur in a djinn’s lymph nodes: much more so than a mundane
therefore; djinn have a much worse sense of smell than a mundane
charcoal pills are water soluble & taste of barbequed stuffs and ash, I imagine. I guess djinn like that taste.

Marid transubstantiation smoke= white
Ifrit transubstantiation smoke= black

6 tribes of djinn: good: Marid, Jinn, Jann; bad: Ifrit, Ghul, & Shaitan

Yep. These are some of the actual notes notes that I actually took... still unsure why I started up, but next week we may just get to some interesting.... *Fluffs up hair to look like River Song's* Spoilers. 
Adios, amigos.
~LucySamum- djinn holiday “smoke without fire” celebrates being a djinn: what this involves, it doesn’t say.