Monday, August 20, 2012

Xena Epira

Okey-dokey, I think I'll give you a profile of a character who I've been playing with for awhile now.
Name: Xena Demi Epira
DoB: 17 Apr. 1991
Heritage: Largely Greek, though born in Durango, CO
Appearance: Curly black hair that snakes halfway down her back, heterochromic eyes (one light blue, one brown,) pale skin, skinny and a bit underfed.
Family: Only one direct relation who isn't dead: her son, Alexei Dimitri Epira
Worked as a waitress for awhile at the Durango Diner, but no longer works there due to her son being born
Her dream is to open her own Greek/Italian/American restaurant, possibly in New York City, but she knows that this will probably remain just that: a dream.
She is a devout Greek Orthodox...
That's really all I've got on Xena that isn't a spoiler for my story...(It's a fanfiction)
The Heir of Alexander: but before you actually read it, you ought to read its prequel The Red Sun of Madrid... They're both fanfictions for Children of the Lamp, and according to my readers, both very good.
And to my sister: you were at 22 minutes into the episode...

Friday, August 17, 2012

Perry the Pencil Case!

In other news, today I also got a *Perry the platypus* pencil case for school... It's AWESOME! So here's a picture of it... nice, isn't it?

Thursday, August 16, 2012

I feel loved...

Today I received an e-mail from telling me that one of my readers (one who had already favourited my author account) had reviewed, followed, and favourited the story I had made on a whim, and purely for a lark! It makes me so very happy when people do things like that-- it boosts my self-esteem as a writer, and really just makes me positively giggly! So, sibunasiren10, if you're reading this, I owe you a big thank you! so... THANK YOU, SIBUNASIREN10! 
That is all I have to say, other than perhaps giving you the description I wrote about it:
"A young Nimrod Godwin sets out from his home in London to complete the traditional rite of Taranushi (see here), and goes on the journey of a lifetime. Meanwhile, his older sister, Layla Godwin, tries to cope with her new responsibilities as head of the Marid tribe.  Disclaimer: I do not own any characters that appear in P.B. Kerr's series. Please read and review- danke schön!"
If you're interested, then here's my story: One Family (Minus Two Parents) Hope you enjoy it!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


So, yesterday evening, my little sister decided that she liked Germany the best, out of all of the countries on Earth. This morning, I asked her what her favourite country was, and she replied "I don't know." So I asked,
"What happened to Germany?"
To which she said: "France. France is my favourite country: I like ballet!"
*cue awkward pause*
"I'm just kidding" she said.
This is the child who has changed her favourites almost daily since a couple months ago, when we went to the Shedd and she decided that dolphins were her favourite animal. Then it changed to swans, then to bats (we saw some awesome fruit bats at the Columbus Zoo,) then to frogs (I read her a story about frogs), and then to Phoenixes, then cobras, and I can't remember any more after that. Still though,  she's the most fickle child I've ever met. My favourite animal has been the Koala for almost as long as I can remember, and my favourite country has been Egypt since at least fourth grade. *shakes head* What's coming over kids today?
I'm still going to teach her random words of German, though. Let's make a list:
1. donaudampfschifahrtsgesellschaftkapitän- a word referring to the captain of the Danube Steamship Company.
2. Fledermaus- bat
3. Vorsicht- beware
4. Bissiger- vicious (biting)
5. Dämon- demon
so, five random words of German! Yay! (B.t.w. they all appear in P.B. Kerr's second Children of the Lamp book: The Blue Djinn of Babylon... not my favourite of the series, but I still like it well enough.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

First Post!

Hey there, it's me, Lucy Hyacinth. You can just call me Lucy. Now, in advance I'd like to apologize for any typos that may pop up... sometimes I type too fast and don't check closely enough. Also in advance, I want to thank those of you who bother to read this... I'm going to start it out like a field of dreams... people will come if I build it up enough.. right? Well, I'll post these on Facebook, and maybe, as time goes on, I'll go to the tweeter as well. Mostly, this blog ought to be about what I'm writing, so we'll start off by giving you one of my short, sweet little stories. I've been told that the German I wrote in it sucks lollipops, but what can you expect, when you're using google translate? My language is English (and Spanish, I suppose...) Anyway, here you are! It's a bit of a work in progress, though, so don't expect too much. I might add another chapter soon, but I doubt it'll be anything like what you imagine!
"Ich Bin Ein Jude" (Yes, I know my German is terrible)
Have fun! :)