Monday, August 20, 2012

Xena Epira

Okey-dokey, I think I'll give you a profile of a character who I've been playing with for awhile now.
Name: Xena Demi Epira
DoB: 17 Apr. 1991
Heritage: Largely Greek, though born in Durango, CO
Appearance: Curly black hair that snakes halfway down her back, heterochromic eyes (one light blue, one brown,) pale skin, skinny and a bit underfed.
Family: Only one direct relation who isn't dead: her son, Alexei Dimitri Epira
Worked as a waitress for awhile at the Durango Diner, but no longer works there due to her son being born
Her dream is to open her own Greek/Italian/American restaurant, possibly in New York City, but she knows that this will probably remain just that: a dream.
She is a devout Greek Orthodox...
That's really all I've got on Xena that isn't a spoiler for my story...(It's a fanfiction)
The Heir of Alexander: but before you actually read it, you ought to read its prequel The Red Sun of Madrid... They're both fanfictions for Children of the Lamp, and according to my readers, both very good.
And to my sister: you were at 22 minutes into the episode...

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